الأربعاء، 4 سبتمبر 2013

البى بى سى: اكتشاف تاريخى: اول ملك حكم مصر اسمه الملك AHA

Palermo StoneThe Palermo Stone is inscribed with the names of early Egyptian kings

وقد تم إنشاء قصة جديدة عن أصل مصر القديمة من قبل العلماء.

ووجد فريق من المملكة المتحدة أن التحول من الأراضي من المزارعين المختلفة في دولة يحكمها ملك وكان أكثر سرعة مما كان يعتقد سابقا.

باستخدام الكربون المشع التي يرجع تاريخها ونماذج حاسوبية، إلا أنهم يعتقدون حاكم الحضارة الأولى - الملك آها - جاء إلى السلطة في حوالي 3100BC.
First dynasty
Until now, the chronology of the earliest days of Egypt has been based on rough estimates.

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Egypt was a state that emerged quickly - over that time one has immense social change.”
Dr Michael DeeUniversity of Oxford
With no written records from this very early period, a timeline has been based on the evolving styles of ceramics unearthed from human burial sites.
Now though, scientists have used radiocarbon dating of excavated hair, bones and plants, with established archaeological evidence and computer models to pinpoint when the ancient state came into existence.
Previous records suggested the pre-Dynastic period, a time when early groups began to settle along the Nile and farm the land, began in 4000BC. But the new analysis revealed this process started later, between 3700 or 3600BC.
The team found that just a few hundred years later, by about 3100BC, society had transformed to one ruled by a king.

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